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New Life Church supports a range of Disciple Making ministries and Houses of Prayer across the globe with both prayer and finances.
Below you will find a list of the ministries along with any prayer requests and updates.


Tikkun Global, Jerusalem
  • Pray for the gospel to continue to be Proclaimed in and from Jerusalem

  • Pray for the growth of our teaching and broadcasting ministries

  • Pray for Kingdom unity – Arabs, Jews and Gentiles

  • Pray for Wisdom for our leadership as Tikkun expands

  • Pray for Continued financial provision for continuing the expansions of ministries, and the new ministry centre.

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Freedom to Captives, Iraq
  • Pray for Revival in the church in Iraq

  • Pray for Radical Transformations of Muslims

  • Pray for Leaders and believers gripped with the fear of the Lord

  • Pray for Hearts moved to seek the Lord relentlessly

  • Pray for Demonstrators of Power among Muslims 

  • Pray for Spiritual Growth of Believers saved out of Islam 

  • Pray for Marriages and Families of our team 

  • Pray for Financial needs for the expanding work

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HOPE Nazareth
  • Pray for God to raise up a generation of prayer warriors from all around the globe to stand together in unity to push away the darkness. 

  • Pray against the abortion that the enemy is trying to bring in, that God may remove the veil of the Jewish people that they may begin to cry out for their Messiah, and that the Man from Nazareth may be revealed to them.

  • Pray that the veil that the enemy has tried to put on us as the army of God, the sleepiness and the slumber, through the spirit of divination and witchcraft, and that the mantle of witchcraft that these terrorists are wearing trying to enter into Israel hidden to try to destroy and kill being empowered by these mantles, may be ripped out. 

  • For salvation among both Jews and Arabs, also among the terrorists.

  • Pray for God to release His angelic armies all over the land of Israel, and that they will war for our protection, covering every corner and inch of the land. 

  • Pray for the 101 Israelis who are still held as hostages in the Gaza Strip, pray for their safety, that they may be released and rescued supernaturally, and return fully and whole to their homes! 

  • Pray for God's protection especially over the Messianic soldiers who were sent into the Gaza Strip and most lately also into Southern Lebanon.

  • Pray for protection over Israel from any further attacks coming from Iran.

  • Pray for the innocent civilians in Gaza, who are oppressed by Hamas, who is using them as a “human shield” for terror purposes, for God’s protection and salvation. Pray for righteous leaders to rise up in Gaza!

  • Pray for God's protection over the northern gate of Israel. Please, pray also for Lebanon. Israel has been attacking in Lebanon due to the continuous missile attacks from there. Pray for protection over all the innocent Lebanese people, who are not supporting Hezbollah and do not want war with Israel. 

  • Pray for the limited ground maneuver, which the IDF has begun recently in Southern Lebanon, for God's protection and guidance over our soldiers, that they may be able to destroy every Hezbollah stronghold and terror tunnel in Southern Lebanon successfully, so that all the Israeli residents who were evacuated from their homes in Northern Israel may be able to return home again safely.

  • Pray for the safety of the HOPE worship team and all our staff members and their families, during this time, as well as for our whole community.

  • Please, pray that the whole situation will not escalate into a wider, regional war. All the nations the enemy is trying to stir up in war against us are nations of the Isaiah 19 Highway. Together these nations are part of God's plan to be a blessing to the earth, thus the enemy is trying to thwart God's plan for reconciliation in the Middle East.

  • Pray for the protection also on the borders of Syria and also Iraq, as we have also had some attacks from there. Pray for God to reverse and eliminate any attack coming from Iran and Hezbollah.  

  • Pray for Israel's government and the leaders of the nation to make wise decisions. In this moment it is very important not to be moved with anger or bitterness but wise and righteous decisions.

  • Pray for God to come on vengeance and cut the head of the ancient serpent that try to come and abort the birth of the harvest.

  • Pray for more worshipers and intercessors to come to HOPE to keep the fire burning on the altar.  

  • Pray for new partners in this year 2024 to join HOPE and for God to release His provision that we may be able to reach our goal.

  • Pray for wisdom and strength for Rania and the HOPE staff to follow the Lord's strategy on how to build and expand the kingdom during this very difficult time in the land.

  • Pray for Rania and the team from HOPE, who will be travelling to Cyprus in November in order to participate in the Isaiah 19 NET conference. Please, pray for safety and protection over the team. 

  • Pray for Rami, the brother of Rania's sister-in-law. While exiting his car, he was hit by a bus driving with 70 km/h. It is the Lord's mercy upon him that he is still alive. Please, pray for his healing and continued recovery!

Dugit Outreach Ministries, Tel Aviv
  • Pray for our staff and leaders as they serve the Lord and minister to Jews and Arabs daily.

  • Pray for the continued provision of resources to meet the many needs in our nation.

  • Pray for continual and effective proclamation of the Gospel.

  • Pray for the comfort and peace for the people of Israel, and for the turning of hearts towards Yeshua.

Dugit Outreach Ministries
Frontier Alliance International, Israel
  • Pray for the church to grow in love for our enemies.

  • Pray for Israel’s eyes to be opened and see the armies of God surrounding them, greater than the armies of their enemies.

  • Pray for continued integrity in the operations undertaken and for protection for the teams and the people the teams are working with and ministering to.

  • Pray for the Arab world; for eyes enlightened in the knowledge of Jesus.

  • Pray that the word of the Lord would run swiftly and be glorifed.

  • Pray that the Lord of the harvest would send laborers who bear faithful witness of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Dubai House of Prayer (DHOP)
  • Pray for the advancement of night and day prayer and worship in the Middle East.

  • Pray for the increased activity of God in churches, families and marketplaces.

  • Pray for unity amongst the churches of the United Arab Emirates.

  • Pray for wisdom and guidance as we follow the Lords leading into new moving strategies and direction.

  • Pray for the multiplication, training and sending of people to carry the Gospel into the nations.

International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), Kansas City
  • Please pray for IHOPKC as they continue to navigate significant changes and seek to continue God’s call to night and day prayer and worship.

  • Pray for wisdom for the leadership and governing bodies of IHOPKC.

  • Pray for grace and truth during ongoing investigations.

  • Pray for the continued raising of singers, musicians and intercessors who will stand as watchmen on the wall.

Joel Richardson
  • Pray for Joel as he travels and continues to equip the church through his teaching, writing and media.

Joel Richardson
Samuel Whitefield, One King

Pray for the One King tours in Israel

  • Revelation and encounter for all who attend

  • Safety and favour on all travel plans

Pray for wisdom in creating new ways to offer people additional opportunities to engage with Israel

Samuel Whitefield
Burning Hearts, Singapore
  • Pray for continued revelation as we go deep in the Word and journey in community and discipleship together.

  • Pray for the Lord to continue to mark youth with resolve like Daniel, filled with wisdom and understanding.

Burning Hearts

2024 | New Life Church Fremantle

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