The Prayer Room is located at 8/54 Rockingham Road, Hamilton Hill.
Prayer requests? You can send them through using the contact form on this page. If you have questions about visiting the Prayer Room, please get in touch!
Jesus quoted Isaiah 56 when he declared ‘my house shall be a house of prayer’ (Matt 21:13). When God calls us by a specific name, it indicates our character and how we are to function. In God’s eyes the house of prayer reality is central to our identity and activity as the Church. Prayer is primarily about encountering God and growing in relationship with him. With a Biblical understanding of prayer, we could paraphrase Jesus’ declaration as: ‘my house shall be a house of encounter, intimacy, partnership, agreement’.
As an expression of the broader ‘house of prayer’ in Fremantle and Perth, we gather to:
• Worship – we minister to God by declaring His worth continually, reflecting the way He receives worship in heaven (Matt 6:10; Rev 4:8).
• Intercede – we ask for the release of God’s power to spread the fame of Jesus and to win the lost, revive the church, and impact society.
• Feed on God’s Word – we ‘read it, write it, say it, sing it, pray it’ because it leads us to Jesus and gives us understanding of God’s heart and his will for this hour of history.‘Devotional’ sets provide an opportunity to read and meditate on the Bible and engage in personal prayer while being in an atmosphere of worship. Usually these sets are simple with one voice and one instrument.
A prayer leader will be present to give direction for all of these activities.
In pursuing an active prayer life, we are constantly challenged with the lie that we are wasting time talking to a wall when there is so much to do! However, we are convinced in agreement with the Bible that our primary role as believers is to walk in intimacy with God, and from that place truly worthwhile productivity will flow (John 5:19, 15:4).
‘Live music’ means there will be musicians and singers leading the set. Our goal is to continually increase this aspect of our Prayer Room.
‘Webstream’ means we’ll be using a pre-recorded worship/prayer session, usually from IHOPKC.org.
‘Intercession’ sets will have times where those who want to can join in praying for specific themes.
‘Devotional’ sets provide an opportunity to read and meditate on the Bible and engage in personal prayer while being in an atmosphere of worship. Usually these sets are simple with one voice and one instrument.
‘Worship with the Word’ is a singing Bible study where singers sing about a particular passage of Scripture. It combines worship and meditation for the purpose of growing in the knowledge of God and being transformed by the power of His Word.
​A prayer leader will be present to give direction for all of these activities.
When a live team is leading the set, they will often use a musical model of prayer (see ‘harp and bowl’ in Revelation 5:8). This means that music and singing (harp) will mingle with the prayer leader’s speaking (bowl). We have found this to be a powerful and enjoyable model for sustaining communal prayer.