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Jubilee Welfare Fund

CONTACT Jubilee Welfare Fund:

The Jubilee Welfare Fund (JWF) is a tax exempt, charitable organization that was established in 2003 by New Life Church. The fund was birthed to assist people living in the nine suburbs of Fremantle who had been disconnected from essential utilities or were threatened with eviction from their homes. All debts were paid and utilities restored at Easter of 2003 due to the generous giving and compassion of many people. Check out the Today Tonight video below from 2003!

As an expression of the mercy and love of God, this Fund continues to respond to people in crisis by providing emergency financial assistance, or by gifting specific goods such as furniture or food. In July 2008 JWF purchased a modified van for a family who did not have the means to do this. Their young son is confined to a wheelchair with severe disabilities.

The rules of the JWF stipulate that only ‘necessitous people’ qualify for assistance. As such we partner regularly with local Welfare Agencies to assist clients who have been unable to receive assistance through existing government or community agencies.

Since its establishment the JWF has assisted many people to remain in their rental properties, get re-connected to essential utilities (gas, electricity and water), receive food hampers and assistance for a variety of other needs. Social workers from the Fremantle hospital, have requested help for clients going home to houses without electricity. The JWF has paid the outstanding debt, enabling these houses to be re-connected to electricity so that their medications can be kept cold (e.g. insulin for diabetics).

The Jubilee Welfare Fund does not receive any government funding. It exists solely through donations from individual persons. All gifts are tax deductible.

By the grace of God and through generous gifts this Fund continues to help people in the Fremantle region. We welcome your interest and support.

The Vision:

By the grace of God and through generous gifts this Fund continues to help people in the Fremantle region. We welcome your interest and support.

The Blueprint:

In Leviticus 25, the Bible teaches about a Sabbath rest; one day a week set aside to rest and re-energize.

God’s command to extend this principle of rest to the land, meant that one year out of every seven, the land was to remain untouched.

The 50th year, following the 7th seven was proclaimed as a Year of Jubilee; an extra year of rest. In this year slaves were given their freedom and original land owners, who had been forced off their land because of hard times and crippling debt, experienced a debt free start as their land was returned to them.

The year of Jubilee reminded God’s people that the whole Earth belongs to Him and all provision comes from Him. It was a year of restoration and freedom.

2024 | New Life Church Fremantle

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